18 |
The 2nd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers 초록 및 원고 제출 기한 연장(12/8) 안내
1,142 |
2022.12.05 |
17 |
The 2nd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers(12/17~18) 발표자 모집안내
937 |
2022.11.03 |
16 |
AGA Newsletter - First Half 2022 소개
1,000 |
2022.07.25 |
15 |
제5회 아시아지리학대회(5th Asian Geographical Conference (AGC5)) 안내(9/5~9/9)
1,053 |
2022.07.15 |
14 |
IGU Thematic Conference Osaka 2023 안내
1,146 |
2022.07.11 |
13 |
5th ACG Submission Deadline Extended to 15th July, 2022 _초록제출기한 연장안내(~7/15)
979 |
2022.05.26 |
12 |
Asian Geographical Association E-Newsletter (2021-04)발간
1,184 |
2022.02.03 |
11 |
1st Workshop of Asian Young Geographers (무료 워크샵, 12월 18~19일, 온라인, 황철수 회장님의 환영사 및 기조강연) 안내
1,214 |
2021.12.16 |
10 |
2022년 IGU Travel Grant프로그램 소개
1,207 |
2021.12.06 |
9 |
First Workshop of Asian Young Geographers_2nd Circular
1,139 |
2021.11.30 |