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  • 해외 관련학회

해외 관련학회

The 2nd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers 초록 및 원고 제출 기한 연장(12/8) 안내
2022.12.05 11:12
2022 AGA-YGWG Workshop (2nd round call).pdf

대한지리학회 회원님들께,

12월 17~18일 온라인 줌미팅으로 개최 예정인 "The 2nd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers" 초록 및 원고 제출 기한이 12월 8일로 연장되어 알려 드립니다.

전에 말씀드린 바와 같이 차기 대한지리학회 회장님이신 정성훈 교수님께서 기조강연을 해 주시는 행사입니다.

행사에 대한 자세한 사항은 아래의 내용 및 첨부된 Circular (PDF 파일)참고 부탁드립니다.


대한지리학회 국제부 배상

Dear All,

Many thanks for promoting the workshop. We have received emails asking for deadline extension. To this end, we decided to extend the deadline of abstract (paper) submission. Please help to spread the workshop and invite more participants.


Abstract or full paper submission due: December 8th

Abstract/paper submission system:


Attached please find the 2nd round call of the "Second Workshop of Asian Young Geographers". We have 8 keynote speakers, and 18 sessions covering human geography, natural geography, public health, environmental science, GIS and remote sensing.

The call for applying the 2022 Excellent Paper Award (EPA) is also open! The EPA is specifically open to Graduate Students and Young Scholars with a PhD degree less than 5 years. Eligible candidates can submit their full papers (no less than 5000 words) through the online submission system ( ). To apply for EPA, please select YES for the required question "Submit for EPA" when submitting the full paper.


High quality full papers will be recommended to the following journals for consideration.


Asian Geographer: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rage20/current
Annals of GIS: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tagi20/current
The International Journal of Digital Earth: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tjde20/current
Big Earth Data: https://www.tandfonline.com/tbed
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities (Urban Economics): https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/sustainablecities/sections/urban-economics
Computational Urban Science: https://www.springer.com/journal/43762
Data Science and Management: https://www.keaipublishing.com/en/journals/data-science-and-management
South China Geographical Journal (华南地理学报): http://www.geogsouth.com.cn


Please feel free to circulate the call and website of workshop among your networks, and encourage your graduate students to participate the workshop.

If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Programme Coordinator
Prof. Min Chen: chenmin0902@njnu.edu.cn
Prof. Li He: aga-ygwg@xjtu.edu.cn


Conference Secretariat
Ms. Xuanzi Zhang: acg2018@igsnrr.ac.cn
Mr. Kai Zhang: zhangk2g@163.com
Mr. Dajiang Wang: wdj2022nnu@163.com
Mr. Guoxi He: hgx000318@163.com


Looking forward to meeting you online!

Best regards,