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국내 관련학회

First Circular of the 4th Asian Conference on Geography & Call For Session
2018.05.09 02:05
First_Circular_of_ACG2018.pdf [다운로드:691회] Submission_Form_ACG2018.docx [다운로드:346회]
Greetings! On behalf of the Geographical Society of China and the Local Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the 4th Asian Conference on Geography, to be held in Guangzhou, China on December 6-10, 2018.

ACG 2018 is calling for session proposals. We cordially invite all interested geographers to submit proposals for themed sessions by June 1, 2018. Session proposals approved by ACG2018 Scientific Committee will be included in the official call for papers in 2nd circular. Enclosed would you please kindly find the first circular and the Call for Session Proposal Form for your convenience. Registration starts on April 1. Conference Website: The 4th Asian Conference on Geography: Home  http://acg2018.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1

Thank you very much and look forward to welcoming you to Guangzhou in December.